Spectrum Spinalong

If you have joined the Spunky Eclectic Fiber-of-the-Month Club, spin this month's Project Spectrum fiber and talk about it here! Or spin anything in the Project Spectrum Color of the Month (May is Green) and let us see what you get!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Last day of Green

This being the last day of green, a short post. I have received (and will post a picture of) the Spunky Eclectic roving for June, blue. It's blue with some red and very patriotic looking. But no white that I can see.

My thing is, red, white and blue would be fun. But if I add white to it, I get pink. I do NOT like pink. Hmm.

I will be spindle spinning singles of this roving on my Brownie camping trip this weekend and will post pictures of spinning in public next week. Then I will decide. I'm thinking about plying it with white. Or bringing some white and navajo plying in the end. Or something. I don't know.

But my first idea of plying the months together won't work here, as I don't want to have the red and the green together AT ALL. Blech.

More later!


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